Q: I have one question that goes along with what your show was about the other day in regard to emotional addictions.  My businesses are who I am...I am as emotionally involved with my businesses as I would be with any personal relationship. Should a boundary be drawn and if so what type?

A:That depends on how  “emotionally involved” you get in your personal relationships. But my initial response is yes. A boundary needs to be drawn.  If you are saying that your businesses are the main focal point of your life and therefore you put your best efforts into making them work.  Good. That’s just like a person putting their best efforts into a marriage to make it work. However…

Here’s the challenge.  Let’s use Star Wars as an example. When Anakin Skywalker found his mother in the desert and she died a few moments later he “lost it”, right? His love for his mother turned into an emotional addiction to anger and hatred.  He felt there was nothing left to be happy about.  Even Queen “what’s her name” couldn’t really bring about true happiness in him because he was too “emotionally involved” with his mother.

It works the same way in any relationship, business or personal. It’s okay to give a relationship your best efforts backed with strong convictions. I hope you love your businesses.  You should be able to genuinely love whomever you are involved with as well. The key is: knowing that you could still function in a positive and productive manner no matter what happens.

I wonder if Trump, after filing for bankruptcy twice is emotionally addicted to any one of his businesses. I’m sure your businesses will continue to flourish.  I’m also sure that you could rebuild everyone of your businesses again if you had to as long as you can manage your emotions.

The boundary is a dogged determination that no matter what YOU will remain in control of your state of mind.

I’ll wrap it up like this. You shouldn’t become emotionally addicted to anyone or anything because according to Psychology Today…”No one has less freedom then an addict.”

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Al Duncan—The Millennial Mentor™—is a World-Class Motivational Speaker, an author, and a renowned Youth Speaker. Visit him online at www.alduncan.net
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