continued from previous page

When you hit the pause button, instantly think of yourself at a time when you didn’t cry. There’s no need to replay the entire scenario, just see and feel yourself performing your alternate behavior, the behavior of someone you admire, or both.

You can practice doing this once or twice a day by remembering a time when you wish hadn’t cried. Instead envision this scenario with desired behavior in place. Your unconscious mind can’t distinguish reality from memories and imagination.

Here it is in three simple steps:

1. Pause for at least 6 seconds and take a deep breath

2. While pausing, instantly think something like- “I’m a professional and this is what I’m going to do.”

3. As soon as the statement above pops into your head, imagine yourself doing the desired alternative behavior and then do it.

One last thing: the goal is for you to refrain from excessive crying in front of your colleagues or co-workers so that you can maintain your professionalism. But remember, there’s nothing wrong with crying. It’s when you cry that the issue.

Crying can be a healthy way of relieving stress and pent up feelings. So if you feel like crying every so often, go ahead and let it out.

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Copyright 2006 Al Duncan Enterprises. All rights reserved.

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Al Duncan—The Millennial Mentor™—is a World-Class Motivational Speaker, an author, and a renowned Youth Speaker. Visit him online at

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